Tuesday, December 12, 2006
dum dum dee dum!!!
I'm gonna be MRS. MORGAN RENEE VERDERY in 10 DAYS!!!!!!!
isn't that INSANE?!?!?
I'm so excited!
I love y'all and hope to talk to you (and SEE you) soon!!!!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
three words...
that's all... now off to take one of those beloved tests...
please be praying for me and all of the other college students that you know over the next week or so!!
love y'all!
Friday, November 24, 2006
quick update
i know ive been horrible at posting lately even after i got onto y'all!
im really sorry about that!!
so as you know, the invitations are out for the wedding! things are coming together beautifully, and besides a few minor annoyances, i'm having a ball!!
jeny had her baby somewhere around 3:30 am (texas time) on Thanksgiving morning! i have yet to see pictures (hint, hint bloggers!!), but i hear he's beautiful! his name is adler (if i spelled that correctly!)
school is coming to a close for the semester... i go back to school and have a WEEK before finals start! it's looking like i'll get all As. There MIGHT be a B in there, but let's hope not!!
mkay, ive gotta run because im spending time with my daddy right now, but i love y'all and i hope this little blurb will suffice for now!!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Prayer Request!!
So I have a request...
Talking to my daddy tonight really got my mind working in "dream mode"...
As most of you know, I have NO idea what "I want to be when I grow up" a.k.a. what I want to major in.
I have a dream in mind right now, but it's really far fetched and I don't know if it's possible. I don't really want to say what it is here because I'm kind of timid about it (because it sounds so crazy). But I was wondering if y'all would be praying for me... that God would give me a direct answer about this... *sigh*
I know, I'm being increadibly vague, but this is something that came to me about 20 minutes ago. It's something that I've dreamed about for a long time, but, like I said, sounds really unrealistic.
I love y'all, and thank you for putting up with my non-specifics!!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I read a handfull of blogs a lot (those listed on my page), and NO ONE POSTS ANYTHING ANYMORE! I am at fault here, too. I know we're all super busy, but I wanna know what's going on in your lives!!
As for me, it's been mostly wedding planning and school! My next free weekend is the 4th weekend in November. Exciting, huh? Exhausting is more like it... Oh well, it's fun. I GET MY JEEP BACK FRIDAY!! SO excited about that!!! I've missed her!!! *sigh* finally.
Weekend of Oct 14: Get Jeep, go home.
Weekend of Oct 21: Interperet concert for Michael English
asdasdfasdfasdfasdfWedding shower
Weekend of Oct 28: Pick up wedding dress in Augusta
Weekend of Nov 4: Class work day at Habitat for Humanity site
asdfasdfasdfasdfasdWedding Shower
Weekend of Nov 11: Natalie comes in!!
Weekend of Nov 18: Summer comes in!!
Weekend of Nov 25:
Weekend of Dec 2: CRAM FOR FINALS!
Weekend of Dec 9: CRAM FOR FINALS!
Weekend of Dec 16: Grandaddy Averett's 95th birthday in Alabama
Weekend of Dec 23: Become Mrs. David Verdery!!!
Weekend of Dec 30: continue to be married!! woohoo!!! :)
yep... that's the next 2 and a half months. WOOHOO!!!
mkay, I love y'all!!! Have a wonderful week and I expect some new posts!!! :)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Yellow Rose of Texas
I just got back from Texas yesterday! I had a BLAST!! Man I miss those guys...
Thursday night when I got there, they threw a "party" for me, which was SO fun and for someone of my temperament, a bit embarrassing! It was awesome, though, and I'm glad they threw it for me. Friday Summer and Natalie both had to work, but Natalie's got cancelled (yet again), so she and I hung out for a big part of the day! Natalie had to go to work that afternoon, however, so we went to the Grapevine mall to meet Summer and her kiddos! Natalie went to work and Summer and I hung out for the rest of the day.
While Natalie and I were waiting for Summer, we found the bridesmaid's jewelry!! We walked up to a mall kiosk and were browsing, when Natalie said, pointing to a necklace, "See, that's what I had in mind... Actually, that's REALLY pretty!" The owner of the kiosk came around and promptly started BARTERING with us! We didn't even try! In the end, we got all three necklaces for 50% of her original price and the matching earrings for UNDER 50% of THEIR price! And we didn't have to pay ANY tax!! It was awesome!!! The necklaces are beautiful... they're all different, and I LOVE that!
So! Summer's kids and boss are the sweetest ever! She's really blessed to be with them. When we left that night, we trapsed to Wal-Mart and bought Pride and Prejudice! HOW FUN! We watched it Friday night... well, rather, THEY watched it Friday night! I definitely fell asleep as usual, but watched the rest the next morning. (Sidenote: I got Erich and David to watch Pride and Prejudice with me last night! It was wonderful!!! :)) Saturday Summer had to work again, but Natalie, Noelle, Ms. Debbie, Brennah, and Maggie and I all went to Dallas to get a table from Pottery Barn Kids. Goodness gracious! They have the cutest things EVER in there! It was so fun! I wanted some of that stuff for myself!! Anyways, that evening Natalie and Summer and I went out to eat... pretty uneventful, but so fun! Sunday morning Summer had to work YET AGAIN (poor Summer!)! We all went to church, which was AWESOME! I realized how much I need to find a stable church. Like... desperatly. We ate lunch with the Sutton/Griggs clan, Megan and Amanda, and then Natalie and I went to surprise Summer Dearest at work!! It was fun! We got ready there to go out that night with Noelle, Nina, and Samara. Natalie did my makeup and WOAH! It was a lot, but it looked REALLY good! We all went to Sundance Square that night and ate dinner at PF Chang's. It was so good! We had a blast!! As we were walking around afterward, we came across a man sitting on the ground in handcuffs guarded by 2 cops, and another man telling another cop, "...he was just harassing her..." So I guess that was the adventure of the night? Anyways, we all looked really good and ate at a really good restaurant and had a really GREAT time!!! Monday morning, Mr. Jim brought me to the airport and we had a good time getting to know each other...
Yep! that was my trip! PLAY BY PLAY!!
I know all that detail wasn't exactly necessary, but it was fun to recount!
My big brother is FINALLY home from Montana, so this weekend we're gonna celebrate his and my grandmother's birthdays! Horray! I get to see family!!!
I guess that's really all that's going on with me!!
OH! For those of y'all who knew, the fires are out in the Boulder valley in Montana!!! PRAISE GOD!!! And the camp and family there are safe!!!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
It's A Wonderful Life!!!
Summer, Natalie, and Jimmy came in from Texas on Friday morning, and Douglas came over from Milledgeville... That brought the count (including myself, David, and Erich) up to 7. I can't TELL you how wonderful it was to have ALL of us in one place! It was the first time since Texas over spring break!! SO! Friday afternoon we went SKYDIVING!! It was SO awesome!! David and Doug jumped first, so Summer, Natalie, and I got to watch them and then WE went up!! As we ascended, Summer and I got more and more antsy!! Natalie jumped first, and then Summer went, leaving me for last!! I wasn't sure if I could do it, but the guy that was strapped to my back just fell out!! (I was his 9,160something jump!!!) It was AWESOME!! I screamed the whole way!! I can't explain to you the feeling of plummeting from almost 15,000 feet! It was nothing short of AMAZING!! Then he pulled the cord and our parachute flew out and the rest of the way was a beautiful float down! We did lots of fun turns and stuff on the way... IT was WONDERFUL!!!
That night we all went back to the Marietta house and stayed up really late talking and enjoying each other's company. Saturday we woke up bright and early and headed out to Rocktown for some climbing! I was gonna get to "christen" my new climbing shoes, and I was SO excited! All along the way, David kept getting calls from his dad... it was kinda weird, but I didn't pay it much mind. We got lost along the way, so we got there around 12 or 12:30. We got all the way down the mile-long trail to the rocks when I realized that my climbing shoes weren't in the bag. How upsetting! I was gonna head back to the Tahoe and check around, but for some reason, my friends kept telling me not to worry about it and to just climb!! Douglas finally convinced me not to go when he said that he had been the last one to get his CamelBak out of the car and he hadn't seen the shoes. So I gave up and started climbing in my Keens. I got to the top of a face, and was walking around and Summer came up to join me! We heard Natalie say, "Hey, Summer, come down here and spot me and I'll try to get up there with y'all..." I kept on walking, and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw David following me. I started thinking to myself, 'hmm, i wonder if it's okay that he and i are alone up here...' We climbed a little further up to the highest point we could, and when we reached the top, he hugged me. I heard his heart beating like crazy, and was thinking, 'Wow, I didn't think that was a tough climb... I thought he was in better shape than that... hmm...' While he was hugging me, he said, "I love doing stuff like this with you." Then he turned towards me and said, "I want to invite you on an adventure... the adventure of the rest of my life... (then he got down on one knee) Will you marry me?" I know what you're thinking, and yes, I do believe that IS the sweetest thing ever!!! Of course, I said yes and threw my arms around him!! I took off my promise ring and he slipped on the engagement ring (which is GORGEOUS!!!), and I said, "Now what do I do with this?" (referring to my promise ring). He said, "Put it back on, it's still yours." Yep, definitely the best moment of my life so far!!! He and I stayed up there for a little while basking in the moment, and when we turned around we saw 5 little heads peeking up over the ledge watching! It was so cute! We went back down there and talked with everyone, and apparently they had been scheming for WEEKS!! It was awesome! We decided to go back down and get some lunch, and as we were heading back up the trail, I saw Allison coming toward me! I screamed and ran and hugged her, and as I did I saw Ms. Rita, Mr. Tyler, Tom, and Vicki coming up behind her! It was so cool!!! THAT'S why they didn't want me to go back to the car and why Mr. Tyler had been calling so much! Because everyone was there and they didn't want me to see!! HOW CLEVER!!! As we were eating lunch, my MAMA came up the road! It was so great!! What a WONDERFUL day!!!
Saturday night Brekken came over and spent the night with us (another night of little sleep, especially for Natalie, Brekken, and Jimmy *wink to y'all!!*), and then the 8 of us went to Six Flags for the day on Sunday!! It was SO fun!! I fell in love with Brekken, and we all had the time of our lives!!! (I have to admit, though... the roller coasters weren't quite as awesome after skydiving... I think we did that in the wrong order!! OH WELL!!)
What a MAGNIFICENT weekend! The eight of us had a "family meeting" and decided that our trips to see each other had to happen once or twice a year FOREVER!! Aren't we cute??
So yeah!! That's that!!!
I love y'all!!
Monday, August 21, 2006
KSU or bust!!
I moved into my cousin Angie's house on Saturday night, and things are going pretty well so far!! Sunday morning I drove two hours to my dad's house to go to church with him, and it was so great! Besides the sleep deprivation, I got to see my daddy!! And go to church for the first time in two months!! woohoo!!!
So here I stand in the Sturgis Library on the KSU campus waiting for my first class! I've been on campus since 10:30 this morning, and my first class is at 2!! I wanted to attempt to change my schedule, but no such luck... almost all of the classes are closed... But that's alright!! I realized earlier how much books cost! I spent $370!! OUCH!! Thank goodness for scholarships... I'm not as nervous about my classes as I was a few days ago, but I think that's because the ball is rolling now... you know, I'm moved it, I'm getting used to the roads, etc. So I'll be sure to let y'all know how my classes go today!! :)
The next few weeks promise to be exciting!! This weekend is the One Thing conference in Atlanta with Dave, Erich, Allison, and Ms Rita! So that's awesome!! And then the NEXT weekend Natalie and Summer and Jimmy come back to Georgia to go SKYDIVING and to SIX FLAGS and just to hang out for the whole weekend!! SOOOO exciting!! I simply canNOT wait!!! *hugs to y'all... can't wait to see ya!!*
Alright! So that's it for now! Talk to y'all later!!
*more hugs*
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Severed Fingers??? What?!?
Saturday was my long day, meaning that Sunday we had free to do anything! Natalie and I had ORIGINALLY planned to hike Hawley that day, but after much consideration of time restrictions and of OURSELVES, we decided that hiking Hawley was probably not the best of ideas... so we hiked the Speculator trail instead!! We had planned to hike up to the West Boulder Plateau, but, intelligent as we are, we didn’t look at the topo map before going! We hiked STRAIGHT up about 2000 feet and were pretty exhausted. We enjoyed our Clif bar lunch and were quite disgusted by the dried peaches (or “old people ears” as David so lovingly dubbed them) so we threw them in the river. (they smelled AWFUL!!!!!!!!) On our way back down we came to a clearing and decided to sit and look out over the mountains. Natalie would journal and I would read... great idea!! Until, of course, about 5 minutes later when we felt the foretelling raindrops!! As we looked up, we saw none other than a HUGE BLACK CLOUD!!! We pretty much raced down the mountain to avoid getting stuck in the thunderstorm miles from camp, praying the whole way “Please Lord, let us get out of the mountains before that cloud pops!” After a few slightly rolled ankles and a couple last minute pictures, two very jarred girls emerged from the mountains!! RIGHT as the rain started!! Our mile walk back to the camp was a very WET one!! Apparently God thought we smelled bad... He gave us a shower... :) Natalie and I had a blast!!
My other update will, I’m sure, make several of you mad at me!! Yesterday was a short day, and the four of us in the kitchen were preparing taco salads for lunch!! I was cutting the lettuce (a bad idea for the women in my family, apparently...) when all of the sudden my knife bit my left thumb!!! I think I must have been in shock, because I realized that I had cut myself, took off my gloves, said, “Alright, guys, I just cut myself... sorry...” and proceeded to walk around the kitchen aimlessly for a few seconds while blood was dripping everywhere... Ms. Judy to save the day!!! She immediately went into “First Aid” mode and told me to run it under cold water and got me a rag to put pressure on it. I forced myself to be tough and SOMEHOW didn’t cry! I paced for a few minutes getting myself together and then attempted to call Kent or Jenny over our radio which I soon found to be dead! It was only about 40 minutes until lunch, and almost everything was done, so upon Natalie’s suggestion I went to find Kent. When I got there and told him that I had cut myself and showed it to him (and looked at it MYSELF for the first time) I realized that I had cut THROUGH my left thumbnail and didn’t know how deep below the nail the cut was. Kent suggested that I go to the clinic in Big Timber just in case, and then we all stood around for about 10 minutes... I’m not really sure why... I started asking if he wanted me to do anything like fill out paperwork and that’s when I think he realized that I was still standing there bleeding! I DID fill out my workman’s comp stuff as the person who brought me to the clinic got ready, and then we were off! We arrived at the Pioneer Clinic in Big Timber, filled out all of the same forms again, and then the doctor saw me. You’ll never believe this part. When the doctor entered the room and said “hello” I knew IMMEDIATELY that he wasn’t from Montana... he HAD to be from the south!! I asked where he was from and he said GEORGIA!!! This man, Dr. Kirby Somethingorother interned in THOMSON with DR. WILLS’ SON!! That’s right, the doctor from Washington! He had been to the Tour of Homes several times and was raised in Calhoun. It was the wildest thing! We talked about things that we missed from the south... fried okra... mashed potatoes... sweet tea... fried chicken... it was a great moment. ANYWAYS! They just cleaned me up and the cut hadn’t gone too deep below my nail, so they didn’t even have to take it off! Horray!! I did, however, get a really big thumb-sling! It was interesting... and interesting to shower with!! Gotta love trash bags and hairties!! So yeah!! For those of you who are beginning to wonder if I’m coming home in one piece, YES!! I am STILL in one piece!! And I only have 6 more days to survive!! :)
I love y’all a ton, and I’m gonna go have some more adventures!! :)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
This week has been a BLUR!
SO!! Another update!!
My last post was when I was in Livingston with Jill... The next day we all got up and went tubing (or “floating”) down the Yellowstone River. That was quite an adventure!! We went over a rapid, and my tube got a hole in it (“I’m bubbling!! Jill!! What’s going on?! I’m bubbling!! I’M SINKING!!!” J) So then Jill and I doubled up on one of the bigger tubes until we went over ANOTHER rapid further down and flipped our raft! No one knows exactly how we did it... not even the people who WATCHED us flip!! I guess we just lost balance or something... SO! Instead of getting BACK in the raft, I gave up, and me and one of the other girls floated about two miles of the Yellowstone River in our lifejackets!! It was LOTS of fun!! Until it was time to take out!! The current suddenly got really strong, and I could NOT stand up!! The other girl is bigger than me, so after about five tries she FINALLY was able to get out of the river. I, meanwhile, was trying my best, but could not even stop myself to attempt to stand up!! (My legs are all beat up to prove it!! LOTS of bruises!!) I finally just gave up and floated down the river toward a bridge and grabbed on to one of the legs of it (I’m sure there’s a technical term for the “leg of the bridge,” but that’s what I’m calling it!!). At this point I started to wonder if I should be panicking, seeing as there was NO way that I could help myself... The water was pulling me down, but I managed to hold on for a while until someone finally noticed me there (I had visions of helicopters from rescue TV shows...). This guy came running toward me Baywatch style (he was stripping his shirt off as he ran at me!! I didn’t know what to think!!), and when he stepped in the deep part of the river he almost lost his balance and went down with the current, too!! He told me to grab onto his shirt and he would pull me out. As I was turning to say “Are you sure?” the current pulled me and I lost my balance again! I reached out and grabbed his shirt and he pulled me out of the river!! He had to steady me the entire way back to shore, even in the shallow parts, because my legs were so shaky. So! I have now been rescued from the Yellowstone River!!
Last week we had a cancer camp here... They were lots of fun! It was really hard, though. One lady was pretty much on her death bed, but she wanted to see her kids have fun and celebrate their birthdays at camp, so they all came out anyway... (She has a 27 year old son, an 11 year old daughter, and two 8 year old daughters... all of the girls have the same birthday.) About half way through the camp, she came out onto the deck (her first time out of her room) to watch her kids play, and several of us had an intense urge to pray for her, but no one said anything. Upon later discussion, we all decided to ask her if she would let us come and pray with her in her room, but she denied the request. That was REALLY hard. What’s worse, later that day we heard talk of them trying to Life Flight her out of camp because she was having a hard time breathing and couldn’t sit up on her own. We contacted Life Flight, but they said that they couldn’t come and get her, so we had an ambulance come from Big Timber. It is an hour to Big Timber, and the ambulance got here in 15 minutes... pretty crazy. Anyways, we were all really upset, and I was crying. (It was weird; it was kinda like crying TO God FOR her...) It was really pretty traumatic for our ministry team. Right before the kids left, I walked out of the kitchen and told them that we were praying for them, and I hugged the 11-year-old girl. I cried throughout the rest of the morning, and as they loaded the lady up in the ambulance I stood outside the back of the kitchen and prayed as I watched them. Later, after they had all left, the camp honcho came up to me and said, “I have a gift for you. A little girl saw you standing down here and asked me to give this to you.” I asked her if it was the 11 year old, and she said yes. I took the delicate tissue that she offered me and opened it up. Inside lay two young pinecones. It broke my heart. That was one of those gifts that you never forget, you know? *sigh* it broke my heart...
One more update!! Today was a fun day! I got to drive the tractor and the weird lawn mower, which was lots of fun! I thought I was gonna die, but luckily didn’t! Our managers and their family left camp today to go into town, which left their house WIDE OPEN for a prank!! Justin and I wrapped caution tape all around their house and put up lots of signs! We made a cardboard dead guy and threw him in the driveway and put more caution tape around him (they have a gravel driveway, so a chalk outline was impossible...)! We had a blast! They JUST drove up to their house, so I guess we’ll see what they say tomorrow!!
That’s all for now!!!
1 week and 6 days (13 days) until mama gets here, and 2 weeks and 1 day (15 days) until I get home!!
People keep saying that these next two weeks are gonna fly, but I have a feeling that they will be the longest two weeks of my life! Because I MISS Y'ALL!!
I love y’all a TON and hope to talk to you soon!!!
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I can't believe it!!!
Wow!! This is nuts!!!
I am currently sitting on the front porch of Jill's house!! Connected to high speed wireless internet!! on my new computer!! ABOUT TO POST PICTURES!! and it's 1 in the morning!! do you know what that means??? that means that i have tomorrow off, so i came home with jill for the night!! THAT MEANS MY FIRST NIGHT IN ALMOST TWO MONTHS NOT AT CAMP!! i just dont know what to do with myself!!!
as of today (today being tomorrow in my mind... saturday) i have exactly SIXTEEN days until my mama gets here and EIGHTEEN days before i see yall!! SO looking forward to walking off that plane, i cant even tell ya!!!
okay okay okay
i dont really have any good new ones, but ill post some anyway just because i can!!

My prayers are with you, Sutton family... I love y'all and am thinking about y'all...
talk to yall soon!!!
(and here's who im thinking about right now...)

sweet dreams, all...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
20 days/22 days...
So I know I haven’t posted in a while... sorry!! The past week or so has been fun! Last Wednesday our team went down to Four Mile, which is a swimming hole in the river about four miles up the road (what a coincidence!). I didn’t swim because I’m used to my eighty degree water in Georgia and this was somewhere in the forties, but there was a point where you could walk across to a sandbar so I did that! Then Natalie, Kallie, and I decided to hike down the side of the river a ways to some falls… We got there and marveled for a while, but you know I’m never content so I wanted to get to a really cool looking spot ACROSS the river! I got Kallie in on it, and she and I went way back up stream to the shallow part and crossed and bush-whacked our way back down stream to my rock! We didn’t really want to go aaaalllllll the way back up stream to get back to the other side, so we decided to try and find a really rocky point in the river and just cross there! That point just happened to be right above the falls!! (Don’t you just LOVE my stories!!) We contemplated crossing there for about ten minutes because the water was really moving and was really deep in some points. We got a small downed tree that had been smoothed by the river and used it to get to our first rock... Kallie went first and I held her hand as she crossed the tree to stable her, and then she held on to the tree to stabilize it as I crossed. We got to our next rock, and Kallie thought that I was holding on to the tree and I thought that SHE was holding it, so we watched it fall into the river, leaving us too far in to go back and without any aid to finish crossing! Never fear, though! We could handle it!! We strategically crossed the remaining rocks until we got to our last obstacle! The rock that we had to get to was across a mini waterfall, and the water was moving very rapidly!! After contemplating the best way to cross for about 5 minutes and then being too afraid to do what we had to do for about 3 MORE minutes, I finally lunged across the waterfall and grabbed onto our next rock for all I was worth! I then stretched really far across the waterfall, grabbed Kallie’s hand, and pulled her across with me! SUCCESS!! We were so proud of ourselves!! Natalie has video and numerous pictures from our adventure, but you know the connection here, so I can’t get them up!!
Mama ordered my laptop for me, so it should be here in a few days, which is REALLY exciting!! I now have a laptop AND a digital camera! Technology here I come!
I had a really hard night Sunday night... I was having a hard time dealing with one of the girls here and was venting to several others about it… God really convicted me of it at our church service that night so I was in the back crying. I had to get up and sign, and I was like, “God, you know I can’t do this on my own right now, so you’re gonna have to do this through me!” and he was faithful, as usual!! I successfully finished signing and sat down and continued crying because the speaker was really good!! I started to get really homesick and went back to the cabin after the service and called Mr. Tyler and asked him to pray for me. More tears, whaddaya know... I just really wanted to see the people I love (that means you!!)...
Yep, that’s pretty much my week! I had to put up with my first vulgar comment from a guest last night, so that’s no fun, but I told my boss so things are being handled...
I love y’all a TON and I can’t wait to see you in 3 weeks and 1 day!! I get to see Mama in 2 weeks and 6 days!! Horray!!!
Love y’all...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Two of Kallie's friends came up, and on our day off the four of us plus Alli went on a couple of hikes!! The first one we went on was pretty short and there wasnt much to see, but after that we went up to Natural Bridge and that was pretty sweet!! We hiked (aka slid) down the side of the mountain so we could get a better look at the falls... it was pretty much straight down. i fell into a "nettle" which is some bush that stings you a lot!! I now have little bumps all over my right hand and on the inside of my left arm that hurt!! anyways, we got down there and i took lots of pictures, as usual. we climbed all over the valley down there and it was so beautiful! as i was crossing the river at one point, i jumped from a tree that extended about half way across the river to a boulder that was right in front of me, but down some and hit my knee really really REALLY hard against the face. yeah. it hurt. my knee is now swollen and very bruised. but thats okay! we were having fun!! at one point kallie, alli and i went off on our own and left the guys sitting in a cave. we crossed the river and climbed up on a cliff and sat there just looking for a few minutes. when we decided to get up to leave, kallie and alli went down the way we came up, but i saw some rocks that i wanted to cross the river on. i only had to get down the side of the cliff i was standing on to get there! i had to get from one level of my cliff to the next, and the difference was about twice my height. i was gonna climb down onto the next level and avoid the really big crack in the rock walls that i could fall into if i stepped wrong (the crack was just big enough for me to fall down into... scary!). as i was climbing down i realized that every handhold i grabbed for was falling off! there was nothing stable to grab! (im a genius, cant you tell??) so here i am stranded on the side of a cliff too afraid to just jump down for fear that i will fall into this crack. what to do? call for help!! i yelled for kallie to come help me up, but she thought that i was just going to show her something, so she took her time. meanwhile i'm hanging on the side of a cliff by one handhold and a small foothold. yeah, doesnt sound too terrifying to you eagle scouts, im sure, but for the inexperiened climber that i am it was horrible! obviously, kallie came to my rescue and i lived to tell the tale.
you remember that hike/slide down the mountain to get into the valley at the beginning? yeah... that was TONS of fun to come back up!! i pretty much did iton all fours.
all in all we had a blast!! very eventful, but that just added to the day.
wish you could have been there... really, i do.
(32 days, dave...)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
mama had to put buddy down. i found out today. he had cancer and was really old and mama couldnt take him to the new house (we're moving, just in case yall didnt know... mama got re-appointed to augusta) and daddy didnt want him.
so i've pretty much been crying all day.
that's all.
i miss yall
send me lots of hugs, cause i need them right now...
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Update from Montana
Okay, so I know I've been bad about posting lately, I'm sorry... So we had a family reunion last weekend and they were amazing!! Their name was the Jimmersons, and they are a new extension of my adopted family!! They're so much fun... they had jam sessions every night - banjo, several guitars, and LOTS of talented singing!! SO MUCH FUN!!! THey're AMAZING cooks!! They make these cookies that are to DIE for!! I know when their family reunion is next year, and I'm invited! And I'm planning on attending!!
We had a staff day yesterday, so we all went "rafting" (more like floating leisurely down a river... NO rapids at all!!) on the Yellowstone River. I saw two bald eagles!! I'd never seen one before!! It was pretty cool... Afterward we went to Bozeman to go shopping, and that was tons of fun... I, once again, spent more money than I should have. But I got cute stuff!! :)
We don't have any people here this week, and then have a family reunion of about 100 people this weekend. The next week we were SUPPOSED to have a UMC camp, but not enough people signed up, so they cancelled! I just got switched to the afternoon crew (away from Natalie!! *pout*), so I get to sleep in now! I still like the morning crew better... apparently I get to go back to morning crew in two weeks, so that's exciting.
We haven't been hiking in forever!! I swear! It rains EVERY DAY here!! Every afternoon it storms for about an hour, so we don't get to go out and play when we want to! *pout*
That's pretty much all that's goin on here... A slow week after a very hectic two weeks.
Oh, and yesterday was 1 year for me and David, so that's exciting... too bad I couldn't see him... I know God is doing a TON in all of us this summer, so that makes it easier not to see people.
As of today I have been here for 4 weeks and have 5 weeks left. WOW.
Love y'all a ton and miss every one of you...
Sweet dreams, all!!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
i have 5 weeks and 6 days until i board that wonderful plane to head back to georgia. im still enjoying camp, but i miss my family (that means pretty much anyone reading this post) way way way more than i thought i would... i definately teared up when i was looking at pictures on peoples blogs today...
ive got to run, we've got bible study in like 10 mins, so i love yall a ton...
(and david! im almost done with the second book!! woo! be proud!)
talk to yall soon...
Thursday, June 29, 2006
We're in the town of Big Timber for the day because we have no guests!!
So here is what I've been seeing and experiencing for the past two and a half weeks!!

Mommy in front of some beautiful mountains!!!

Modeling the armor of God!!! :)

Natalie, Kallie, and I on a wonderful hike! This is when we bush-wacked... Natalie is teh tall one and Kallie is the blonde!!

On our campout, this is Alli, Kallie, Jill, and me!!!!!

In a tree!!! This is also while bush wacking... I climbed this tree in the meadow we hiked to in order to take pictures of our camp... when we got back to camp, we realized that the tree i was climbing was a very tall, very DEAD tree that was LEANING... thanks, God!!!

Natalie, Kallie and I pigging out after making rice crispy treats for TWO HUNDRED people!! what a task!!

Team pic!!

Me and Kallie looking ravishing!!!

On a hike overlooking the Boulder River

this is me on the LONG ride from Glacier National Part to Camp on the Boulder!! Needless to say, I was trying out my new digital camera!!

Me taking pictures, what a surprise!!!

Beautiful, huh?
this is Hawly, the largest mountain that can be seen from camp. It is my goal to climb it before i leave!!! :)

On one of our many hikes!!
Okay!! that's all i can get in right now, because we're about to leave to go to the water park!!
I LOVE Y'ALL, and hope you like what you see!!
Miss you and i EXPECT comments!!! ;)
Journal Entry from 6-28-2006
Father, renew me. Put a new, vibrant, unquenchable spirit in me. Purify my heart!!
"...Refiner's Fire
My heart's one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for you, Lord
I choose to be holy
Set apart for you my Master
Ready to do your will..."
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
SUPER short post!!
and we went camping last night!! another woo!!
I LOVE YALL and i cant wait till yall see pictures of this place!!!
TONS of love and i miss ALL of you!!!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
So today was my day OFF which ended up being AMAZING!! Me and the girls who are on my shift didnt wake up till SEVEN FIFTEEN which was AWESOME!!! That's the latest I've slept since I've been here!!
So Kallie, Natalie, and I (they're my hiking buddies!!!) ate breakfast and then went back up to the cabin to be lazy for a while... we read Natalie's adventure magazines and talked for a while and then at about noon we went back down for lunch! After that, the three of us went on our hike for the day! It was SO much fun!! We hiked about a mile and a half, but we bush-wacked most of the way! (for those of you who dont know, bush-wacking is when you make your own trail! I just found that out the other day...) It was a blast! We saw a meadow on the side of a mountain across the river from us and decided that we wanted to go! We hiked about a mile up the river to a GORGEOUS bridge to cross... We followed some game trails (deer and elk trails, we think) for a while and then "bush-wacked" our way through marshes (strangely enough) and over LOTS AND LOTS of down trees to the meadow! I actually have video of Kallie and I attempting to get across several large trees to the other side of the trail!! It was interesting!
We had a blast, though, and I can't wait until our hike tomorrow!!
Okay, so I've gotta run because I'm only allowed 15 mins on the phone per night, so I LOVE Y'ALL A TON!!! I miss you...
Mama and Ms Rita, I need to know when y'all are coming as soon as possible! I need to put in advanced notice for visitors, and the sooner I know the better!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I love yall so much and I miss you all a ton!! I hate not getting to talk to everyone whenever I want, but you all know that I love you!! We might actually get to go to church tomorrow which will be AWESOME!! we'd end up stealing one of the staff members cars and then driving an HOUR to a church!! WOW!!
I tried to upload some pictures from my NEW AWESOME DIGITAL CAMERA just now, but the connection is just way too slow, and today was my 12 hour day, so i'm pretty exhausted...
ill try again later! ive got some awesome pics from the past week!!
i wish you could be here...
(I miss you, David!)
Friday, June 09, 2006
Camp Address
I'm going to email my camp address to everyone that I have, and if you don't get it, email Mr. Tyler or my mom and get it from one of them! (Sorry Mr. Tyler and Mama!! I know I just kinda put y'all on the spot!! I LOVE Y'ALL!!)
So that's the update. Now. I haven't slept in almost 36 hours, so I'm gonna go do that for a few hours before I have to wake up to get on the plane tomorrow!!
I am officially registered for classes at KSU now!! WOO! I'm registered for 14 hours fall semester... my classes include Econ, Psychology, Math Modeling (yes, Doug, that is what you call the "dumb" math class... oh well!!), my KSU freshman class, and a required PE class type thing that sounds like a lot of fun!! So there!! (oh yeah, and NO FRIDAY CLASSES!!! WOOOOO!!!)
Love Y'all!!
After orientation, I'm gonna meet my daddy and step mom to spend a few last minutes with them. Woo! (that was not a sarcastic "woo," fyi)
Then mom and I are gonna spend the night at my grandma's house since it is closer to the airport...
And the real kicker?
I just pulled an all nighter... go me!
I definately didnt start packing until 10!!
Gotta go!!
thanks, natalie and doug for stayin up with me!
I LOVE EVERYONE and ill update when I can!!
Let's go to MONTANA!!!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Natalie, Douglas, Erich, and I are planning on going to Six Flags tomorrow! I'm SO excited! I've been wanting to go for MONTHS now, and it's happening! It's really happening!! haha... We have hung out a lot the past couple of days... Huddle House at 1 am... movies at 2... Augusta for no reason at 12... It's been a lot of fun (even though I keep falling asleep! haha)... I'm really gonna miss everyone when I leave, but that's what letters (and blogs) are for, right??
Today is my REAL last day of work, even though I thought I quit 3 weeks ago, so I'd better go get ready for that... ugh. Oh well!!
Have a great day!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Graduation and New Blogging Skills!!!
So I've decided I'm gonna try to be brave and go ahead and try out my picture posting skills!! Thanks, Jennifer! You're the best!!
These are pictures of mine and Summer's graduation party as well as graduation night! woo! I think that was one of the best nights of my life! Thank you to everyone who was involved and everyone who came! I love you all!!
This is me and summer during the toasts... judging by the direction we're looking, I'd say someone in my family is giving a toast at the moment!!
The girls before graduation! What a great pic!! that's me, noelle, jennifer, and summer
Me and my mama!! I love this pic (even though I'm blinking!!)
Allison looked so beautiful!!
That's my daddy, me, and my step-mom debbie
Me and my big bro Ryan!!! He was a self proclaimed pirate look-alike that night...
Melissa!!! I was SO glad she came!! and i LOVE this pic of us!!
Aww, Don't you love the bare feet?
This one is a little blurry, but still really cute!!
So i did it! arent you proud of how quickly i catch on??
off to watch the bailey kids!
Following the Herd...
So I figured I'd jump on the bandwagon and get my own blog!!
Besides, I really want to get away from myspace, and a lot of the people that I love are here anyway!!
As soon as I figure out how to post pictures and things on here, I'll start doing that!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Love y'all!!