Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Update from Montana

Hey y'all!!
Okay, so I know I've been bad about posting lately, I'm sorry... So we had a family reunion last weekend and they were amazing!! Their name was the Jimmersons, and they are a new extension of my adopted family!! They're so much fun... they had jam sessions every night - banjo, several guitars, and LOTS of talented singing!! SO MUCH FUN!!! THey're AMAZING cooks!! They make these cookies that are to DIE for!! I know when their family reunion is next year, and I'm invited! And I'm planning on attending!!
We had a staff day yesterday, so we all went "rafting" (more like floating leisurely down a river... NO rapids at all!!) on the Yellowstone River. I saw two bald eagles!! I'd never seen one before!! It was pretty cool... Afterward we went to Bozeman to go shopping, and that was tons of fun... I, once again, spent more money than I should have. But I got cute stuff!! :)
We don't have any people here this week, and then have a family reunion of about 100 people this weekend. The next week we were SUPPOSED to have a UMC camp, but not enough people signed up, so they cancelled! I just got switched to the afternoon crew (away from Natalie!! *pout*), so I get to sleep in now! I still like the morning crew better... apparently I get to go back to morning crew in two weeks, so that's exciting.
We haven't been hiking in forever!! I swear! It rains EVERY DAY here!! Every afternoon it storms for about an hour, so we don't get to go out and play when we want to! *pout*

That's pretty much all that's goin on here... A slow week after a very hectic two weeks.
Oh, and yesterday was 1 year for me and David, so that's exciting... too bad I couldn't see him... I know God is doing a TON in all of us this summer, so that makes it easier not to see people.

As of today I have been here for 4 weeks and have 5 weeks left. WOW.
Love y'all a ton and miss every one of you...
Sweet dreams, all!!



The Georgia Verderys said...

Thanks for the post. It makes up for missing your call last night. Expect a package in the mail! I love you and I miss you.

princessme said...

Hey girl. I am SO SO SO SO sorry about Buddy. I was cute. It does sound like you are having lots and lots of fun though. So why did they switch you to afternoon? Anyways. Love ya lots and lots and lots. And lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of hugs. (wow that is ALOT of hugs. Here's one more just for good measure. *huuuuuggggggg*
Love ya

David Verdery said...

I miss you. ehmm. . . So I guess the "B" word went out the door when you went to Wal-Mart again. I love you. I'm sending ya an awesome present. Glad ya had fun "rafting!" Love again.

David. . .32 days