Hello all!!
So I know I haven’t posted in a while... sorry!! The past week or so has been fun! Last Wednesday our team went down to Four Mile, which is a swimming hole in the river about four miles up the road (what a coincidence!). I didn’t swim because I’m used to my eighty degree water in Georgia and this was somewhere in the forties, but there was a point where you could walk across to a sandbar so I did that! Then Natalie, Kallie, and I decided to hike down the side of the river a ways to some falls… We got there and marveled for a while, but you know I’m never content so I wanted to get to a really cool looking spot ACROSS the river! I got Kallie in on it, and she and I went way back up stream to the shallow part and crossed and bush-whacked our way back down stream to my rock! We didn’t really want to go aaaalllllll the way back up stream to get back to the other side, so we decided to try and find a really rocky point in the river and just cross there! That point just happened to be right above the falls!! (Don’t you just LOVE my stories!!) We contemplated crossing there for about ten minutes because the water was really moving and was really deep in some points. We got a small downed tree that had been smoothed by the river and used it to get to our first rock... Kallie went first and I held her hand as she crossed the tree to stable her, and then she held on to the tree to stabilize it as I crossed. We got to our next rock, and Kallie thought that I was holding on to the tree and I thought that SHE was holding it, so we watched it fall into the river, leaving us too far in to go back and without any aid to finish crossing! Never fear, though! We could handle it!! We strategically crossed the remaining rocks until we got to our last obstacle! The rock that we had to get to was across a mini waterfall, and the water was moving very rapidly!! After contemplating the best way to cross for about 5 minutes and then being too afraid to do what we had to do for about 3 MORE minutes, I finally lunged across the waterfall and grabbed onto our next rock for all I was worth! I then stretched really far across the waterfall, grabbed Kallie’s hand, and pulled her across with me! SUCCESS!! We were so proud of ourselves!! Natalie has video and numerous pictures from our adventure, but you know the connection here, so I can’t get them up!!
Mama ordered my laptop for me, so it should be here in a few days, which is REALLY exciting!! I now have a laptop AND a digital camera! Technology here I come!
I had a really hard night Sunday night... I was having a hard time dealing with one of the girls here and was venting to several others about it… God really convicted me of it at our church service that night so I was in the back crying. I had to get up and sign, and I was like, “God, you know I can’t do this on my own right now, so you’re gonna have to do this through me!” and he was faithful, as usual!! I successfully finished signing and sat down and continued crying because the speaker was really good!! I started to get really homesick and went back to the cabin after the service and called Mr. Tyler and asked him to pray for me. More tears, whaddaya know... I just really wanted to see the people I love (that means you!!)...
Yep, that’s pretty much my week! I had to put up with my first vulgar comment from a guest last night, so that’s no fun, but I told my boss so things are being handled...
I love y’all a TON and I can’t wait to see you in 3 weeks and 1 day!! I get to see Mama in 2 weeks and 6 days!! Horray!!!
Love y’all...